Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rolling Stone

He doesn't seek, he doesn't search
yet he knows how empty it is
the water to quench his thirst
the cold breath he fights to keep
his thoughts even, an empty mix

Passivity is his master
Nobody hears him when he screams
I am your slave
for he does not open his mouth
he does not blink
he does not stumble
he always obeys his master

The fair master gives him a rest
once a day, once a week
he dedicates to stare at his window
he sees faces and shadows
he cries when everyone else is laughing
it is his solely entertainment

Why should I cry for him
if by chance while my eyes meet his
I in the garden, he behind the window
I decipher his mute words
I cry for I can't stand you when you're happy

His curtain is made of tears
his window is not locked
his slavery is already abolished
yet he wants me to feel guilty
and them too

He started rolling when we all did
gravity does not lead our path
gravity always win
And I should take the blame for he stopped rolling



marichuy said...


Creo que todos somos como piedras rodantes.

Un abrazo fuerte

Champy said...

Estoy sacado de onda.

Me parece... no se, desconcertante.

Y no porque me asuste no, si no porque la siento

Y eso es cruel.

His curtain is made of tears....

Luchemos contra todo, no le hace que de hocicones no nos bajen, a mi no me mueve mas esto, tampoco quiero estar mas arriba, mejor si, parece igual pero no es lo mismo, sueno utópico lo se, y mira que me das la razón, pero al menos si sigo soñando algún día consiga volar, y desmienteme?

gravity always win....

Paxton Hernandez said...

off topic,

Ya me enteré que Luz silenciosa del Reygadas se estrena en tu ciudad. ¿¿¿Qué tal??? ¡Cuenta!


Champy said...

Donde andas recabron!!!!????!!!???

Ayer ví que ya soltaron los cisnes en tu ríoooo!!!

Y a mi me andan soltando los perrors y los zopilotes!

Y el Elfo???

Ay amiguito tengo ganas de bajar a la tierra, aún a sabiendas de la consecuencia.... donde te metes infeliz???


Eddney Todd said...

Yo cito a ABBA y me callo:

"Roll me, you can do magic
Baby, and I cant get enough of it
Rock me, give me that feeling
Roll me, rocking and reeling
Baby, so dont stop doing it, dont stop doing it, now"...

PD: Sî, qué tal la de Reygadas??
PD2: Hamburgueso, vives/viviste junto a Moritz Bliebtreu??
PD3: Los suecos. Lindos? Las suecas?

Champy said...

Ay Manito ya te eche de cabeza!!!!

Perdoname no pensé que fuera dar contigo y tu anonimato!!!

Ni modo, se me fué la lengua.

2046 perdones solicitados con guante negro.

Champy said...

Y ya reaparece recabron...

Srta. Maquiavélica said...

esa rola esta de pkm, creo q es una de las 10 q me gustan de ellos, y onde te fuiste de vaca??